Sunday, November 23, 2014

Owen's Surprise

So, it has taken me over 4 months to update my blog :) better late than never. While I was prego, I always had the feeling that this baby would come sooner that I am ready for. But thinking/knowing it and it actually happening are two different things.
With both Carter and Devin I was endured 10 days early. Sydney came 2 weeks early which shocked me. So A month before my due date when I went in for my check up and the Doctor told me he would be surprised if I don't go into labor within the week I kind of was shocked but yet expecting it at the same time.
All that week I was so paranoid with every contraction and false labor and a couple of sleepless nights with irregular contractions. Then several days before my next Doctors visit I was using the restroom and had this sensation of peeing but not (very little came out and with all of my previous kids, the nurses had to break my water). I was confused and unsure but thought my water broke. I called Jake and was glad that he was already on his way home. I called my Mom to have her head on over and had Aubrey come as back up in case my mother couldn't get here fast enough. And surely as I walked around my water kept gushing in waves and had to change my clothing. Which didn't really help because as my contractions progressed more water came. Right when we got and we started walking inside the rest of the water came gushing out (Jake found it funny).
It took the nurses quite a while to check me in even though I told them my water broke. Jake had to finally had to harass them to let them know to hurry because I have a tendency to go quick. As soon as we got check in my contractions we becoming very painful and I was wanting my epidural ASAP. My nurse went to go check and see what could be done and told me that the anesthesiologist was in a c-section and could come for about 30 mins. Luckily a minute later he decided to come in and at least give me a block before he went into the surgery(he did an amazing job). I was also very happy that he let me have Jake hold me while he put the epidural in (with Sydney they wouldn't allow it). I was soooo very happy, it worked quickly, I told Jake I wanted to right the anesthesiologist a Thank you card.
Not even 10 mins later my Doctor comes in to check in on me to and asked when was the last time I was check (which was right before the epidural). He told me that it was time to push. About 10 minutes after that Owen was born! Apparently he umbilical cord was tided in a knot and had a slight tear in it. I only got to hold him for a minute before that took him away to run a bunch of test to make sure he was ok. At the time I didn't realize how serious of a concern it was since my doctor was so calm over everything. Poor Owens face and hands were bruised from the quick delivery. While the Doctor was sewing me up the anesthesiologist came in to give me the rest of the epidural. He had said he had a feeling he needed to come into my room before the c-section. I am so grateful he listened to those promptings!

Owen was born on July 8th at 9:01 6 lb. 13 oz. 22in. long. Since Owen was 3 weeks and a day early they had to treat Owen like a premie even though he was a good size. He had to get a bunch of test (but passed with flying colors).
The kids were all so excited to meet Owen. I was worried about Sydney's reaction to him but she just LOVED him!!! Sydney couldn't stop loving up on Owen.
The day we were suppose to check out (since that is what I had been told) I find out that they wouldn't release Owen until the cultures of the B-strep (since my labor when to fast that I wasn't able to get my full penicillin treatment before delivery to ensure the infection doesn't affect the baby. I was very upset (in tears) when I found out I couldn't stay and Owen could come home. By then I was already super sleep deprived and emotional. I finally got myself together and realized it will be the best night sleep I will get in a long time.

Aunt Michelle came just a few days after Owen came home to help me! I know the kids enjoyed having her around since I probably wasn't the best company :)
Owen is my Angel baby, so sweet and loving! I feel like our family is compete!

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