Thursday, January 22, 2015

December's Business

Kids had another day off. So of course… We had some fun. Devin was super excited to get to help out with the science experiment. I am sad I missed taking a picture of him setting fire to a balloon that turned into a big fire ball. Sydney apparently is afraid of the lights in the art area. lol! Drove me a little crazy.

Carter received some awards in scouts. I also bake ginger bread houses for the first time in my life instead of just using graham crackers. Boys decorated the bottom house, Jake and I decorated the top house. I love putting up the Christmas decorations. It has been crazy month with all the prep for Christmas and getting ready to go to Oklahoma during the Christmas break. I somehow survived.

The boy were super excited about going to Oklahoma. I was worried about the drive not knowing how Sydney and Owen would do in the car for that long, but they did better than the older boys. The boys LOVED staying at the hotel. I love the crazy sleeping/using each other as pillows. They drive home was a little scary since we drove passed 6 car wrecks on the 1st day of our drive back. We also saw a car flip and roll right before our eyes. It broke my heart since it was obvious it was a family since it was a SVU. 1st time in my life where I made a 911 call. I swear I was practically praying the rest of the car ride home for us and the family that was hurt.

I was hoping to do some family pictures while in Oklahoma but it did not quite work out that way. Sydney did not cooperate. But at least we got a couple pics. Hopefully we can take some family pictures soon.

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